Daily Press Staff
The Bayard Public Library’s building has received a clean bill of health and will reopen once some work is completed, but the city is now looking for a new librarian after the former director abruptly quit during the City Council’s June 24 meeting. Meanwhile, the Bayard Community Center is closed until roof repairs can be completed.
The information about the library’s inspection came during Monday’s meeting of the Bayard City Council. City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Salas said she received a phone call Monday afternoon from DC Environmental of Albuquerque, the company the city had contracted to perform an environmental assessment of the building. The closure and subsequent inspection came after then-Library Director Sonya Dixon brought concerns about the library and her health to Mayor Larry Ojinaga and Salas on June 11. The library was abruptly closed the next day.
A full report on the environmental assessment was to be sent to the city, Salas said, but she told the council the library was clean of any mold, mildew or other environmental hazards. Some mold was found outside the building and was attributed to the recent rains, Salas said.
“They said, ‘Your building is very clean.’ There was nothing,” she said.
The city will repair a wall that had a leak, and Salas said some other repairs and carpet cleaning will be done before the city sets an opening date. Councilors suggested having a grand reopening event.
At least some of the money for the repairs will come from legislative funding that District 39 state Rep. Luis Terrazas secured for libraries in his district. Salas said the Bayard Library will get $5,000, which was put in the fiscal year 2025 budget for library repairs.
The city will also be advertising for a new library director, after Dixon walked out of an executive session with the council during the June 24 meeting. According to the minutes of that meeting, she “slammed the door to the office and handed her keys to the police chief.”
“The council took her actions as a resignation,” the minutes read.
Salas told the Daily Press after Monday’s meeting that during that closed session, the discussion with Dixon “turned ugly.”
“She just didn’t like us questioning anything,” Salas told the newspaper. “I had asked if she could come work here at City Hall, and she didn’t want to. So she left. She stormed out, and then she went and got her keys and turned them in to the chief. Nobody terminated her.”
The city did not receive any written or verbal resignation from Dixon, she said.
The Daily Press attempted to contact Dixon through her Facebook page but did not receive a response by press time.
Salas also told the council the Community Center is closed and the city is not renting it out due to water damage.
“When the last rains hit — the three days of rains — the ceiling tiling came down. There’s a lot of water spots, so we closed it,” she said.
The city had received grant money from Freeport-McMoRan for roof repairs on the building, so Salas said she was in the process of getting quotes from three contractors. A special meeting of the council is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday for the potential award of a bid.
In other business, the council approved a request from a resident to expand their stoop and add an accessible ramp to a recently purchased home. The resident had been told the home was accessible, but found the stoop was not wide enough for a wheelchair to turn around and a handrail had been stolen. Expanding the stoop will extend it into the city’s right-of-way, however, said Cordell Jones, chair of the Planning and Zoning Committee.
“I spent some time looking through the neighborhood and realized that there were a number of homes where the owners have already extended beyond the property line and have built fences, they have built rock wall, they have built concrete walls well into the city right-of-way,” Jones said.
However, he said, he could not find a city ordinance that prohibited them from doing so. The Planning and Zoning Committee’s recommendation was to approve the request, which the council approved with a vote from the mayor. Councilor Frances Gonzales abstained from voting as she serves on the Planning and Zoning Committee, and Councilor Eloy Gonzales was absent.
The council also approved allowing the Cobre Consolidated School District to go ahead with plans to transform two portable buildings located behind its administration building into housing units, on the condition that the Fire Department and code enforcement inspect the buildings.
The location is zoned as C-1 Commercial, which allows for residential occupancy without a variance, Jones said. The district will have to add one parking spot and emergency exits. Otherwise, the buildings met all requirements, Councilor Frances Gonzales said.
The district intends the housing units to be for new school staff, Jones said.
“They’re indicating that there are not enough vacancies in town for them,” Jones said.
“They want to make the rent reasonable, so they can afford it,” Frances Gonzales added. “I guess they have a new principal coming in from out of state, and they want to make sure they have somewhere to live when they get there.”
Mayor Pro Tem Eloy Medina said he would like to see the Bayard Fire Department look at the buildings.
“I really think the Fire Department should do a walk-through, make sure there’s adequate exits, fire doors, everything across the board, because a building like that catches on fire, it’s going to take about seven minutes to burn to the ground,” he said. “I love the idea that Cobre is innovating by providing residences for their teachers and principals and administration. I think that’s an amazing idea.”
The council also adopted a resolution containing its 2026-30 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan.
The next regular meeting of the council will be July 22.
Juno Ogle may be reached at