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Cavalry Christian Academy Gym Grand Opening
Thank you to the folks at Calvary Christina Academy for inviting me to the ribbon cutting our their new Gymnasium. By Chamber of...
Vo-tech, welfare reform can fix our dismal worker participation rate
New Mexico is in an economic rut. It’s not due to a shortage of jobs. More than 31,000 jobs were available for nonfarm employment,...

New Mexico needs every worker it can get
State Rep. Luis Terrazas III, far right, with his father, Silver City homebuilder Luis Terrazas Jr. and his son, Luis Terrazas IV....

Cobre Career Fair
Article and photos Courtesy of Judith Cruz, Cobre Consolidated Schools Counselor Cobre High School hosted a College and Career fair for...

Memorial Day at Fort Bayard National Cemetery
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy On a sunny, breezy Memorial Day at Fort Bayard National Cemetery on May 30, 2022, many Grant...
Bayard City Council to raise police salaries
Over the last several years, it has become increasingly difficult for Mining District communities to maintain fully staffed police ...
Heat is on for New Mexico chile farmers
Farmer Sergio Grajeda says he's facing a labor shortage. He blames government handouts that he says don’t motivate people to get a job....

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